Okej, klockan är 04:48 och jag borde sova för länge sen...
Men jag har suttit och pillat med den här videon jag nämde förut.
Den är klar men Movie Maker och jag kommer inte överens.
Innan jag tänkte släcka ner datorn var jag ju bara tvungen att kolla facebook (since I'm addicted).
Och då hittade jag en rolig konversation mellan 2 maga profiler...
(Och jag trodde jag var förvirrad)

Hela konversationen börjar med att kommentera denna bilden på legenden Diego =)
Hahah yes apollo!
Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive me Corneeeeeeeeeeeetto...Giiiiiiiiive it to me!!!!
God bless Diego, the giver of tomatoes lol
But i curse him for his garlic mayo disguised in normal mayonaise bottles....Pure EVIL!!
Comment considered and accepted... Diego u dirty dog! The amount of times i thot i'd woken up nxt 2 a frenchman after the "date" had put a lil 2 much "mayo" on her chicken burger. All things considered the blessing of tomatoes still outways the sadistic tampering of the condiments. Diego, u'r legendary status remains intact... 4 now
Hmm i do understand that he was a good tomato giver...However...
It really is not nice popping in for a bit to eat before heading home and biting into the taste of garlic...especially when you have plans for the rest of the night,and this puts you off those certain 'activities'! Also consider the fact of the smell of waking up next to somebody in the morning with the smell of garlic in the air...Not nice eh!
Garlic Mayo should be banned at that time of night!!
Hmm... wenna i do believe the argumentative underside of u'r personality has led 2 u only part reading the above comment... i'm sure if u have another quick scan u'll realise that i have no quarels with the points u r makin and in fact, in my own wordz, spoke of a similar scenario where the smell/taste of garlic can b disspleasing during and or after sexual intercourse. I think u should vent u'r anger in an e-mail 2 the makers of garlic mayo ([email protected])(possibly incorrect) and stop taking u'r frustrations out on me and my picture of "Saint Diego the giver of the tomato" (2 give him his full title)
I sincerely apologise, the frustration overcame my full attention. I ensure you it will never happen again.
Once again I am truly sorry Garry.
Thats quite alrite Wenna. I didn't mean 2 make u feel bad i jst think sumtimes u should take a step back and analyse the situation b4 jumping in feet 1st... remeber we're all friendz here (me, u n the picture) Hey u know wot i jst realised? all our comments say they were posted "tomorrow" haha... stupid Facebook... w8 a minute thats not funny... i'm confused.... should i be in bed?... or getting up?... am i l8 4 wrk?... do i even have a job?...... where are all my clothes?????????
Your clothes are still at Etap Garry, you live in a simple pair of mittens now remember (which reminds me i have to BUY some tomorrow!)
I think I have definitely learnt my lesson from this situation, i thank you for helping me realise what sort of person I am and my faults, Im going to really work on changing those. We are on tomorrow now...but if were on tomorrow then it cant be tomorrow tomorrow so what is it after tomorrow or today if today is tomorrow? And what what was yesterday if today is tomorrow and yesterday would be the day before today which today is indeed not, that surely puts a spanner in the works? Hmm i think i may of confused myself now...
Ååh, typiskt, 0530. Jag måste sooova!
Och nu hände nått jag måste berätta för min andra hälft imorn!
Puss o Godnatt!
Men jag har suttit och pillat med den här videon jag nämde förut.
Den är klar men Movie Maker och jag kommer inte överens.
Innan jag tänkte släcka ner datorn var jag ju bara tvungen att kolla facebook (since I'm addicted).
Och då hittade jag en rolig konversation mellan 2 maga profiler...
(Och jag trodde jag var förvirrad)

Hela konversationen börjar med att kommentera denna bilden på legenden Diego =)
Hahah yes apollo!
Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive me Corneeeeeeeeeeeetto...Giiiiiiiiive it to me!!!!
God bless Diego, the giver of tomatoes lol
But i curse him for his garlic mayo disguised in normal mayonaise bottles....Pure EVIL!!
Comment considered and accepted... Diego u dirty dog! The amount of times i thot i'd woken up nxt 2 a frenchman after the "date" had put a lil 2 much "mayo" on her chicken burger. All things considered the blessing of tomatoes still outways the sadistic tampering of the condiments. Diego, u'r legendary status remains intact... 4 now
Hmm i do understand that he was a good tomato giver...However...
It really is not nice popping in for a bit to eat before heading home and biting into the taste of garlic...especially when you have plans for the rest of the night,and this puts you off those certain 'activities'! Also consider the fact of the smell of waking up next to somebody in the morning with the smell of garlic in the air...Not nice eh!
Garlic Mayo should be banned at that time of night!!
Hmm... wenna i do believe the argumentative underside of u'r personality has led 2 u only part reading the above comment... i'm sure if u have another quick scan u'll realise that i have no quarels with the points u r makin and in fact, in my own wordz, spoke of a similar scenario where the smell/taste of garlic can b disspleasing during and or after sexual intercourse. I think u should vent u'r anger in an e-mail 2 the makers of garlic mayo ([email protected])(possibly incorrect) and stop taking u'r frustrations out on me and my picture of "Saint Diego the giver of the tomato" (2 give him his full title)
I sincerely apologise, the frustration overcame my full attention. I ensure you it will never happen again.
Once again I am truly sorry Garry.
Thats quite alrite Wenna. I didn't mean 2 make u feel bad i jst think sumtimes u should take a step back and analyse the situation b4 jumping in feet 1st... remeber we're all friendz here (me, u n the picture) Hey u know wot i jst realised? all our comments say they were posted "tomorrow" haha... stupid Facebook... w8 a minute thats not funny... i'm confused.... should i be in bed?... or getting up?... am i l8 4 wrk?... do i even have a job?...... where are all my clothes?????????
Your clothes are still at Etap Garry, you live in a simple pair of mittens now remember (which reminds me i have to BUY some tomorrow!)
I think I have definitely learnt my lesson from this situation, i thank you for helping me realise what sort of person I am and my faults, Im going to really work on changing those. We are on tomorrow now...but if were on tomorrow then it cant be tomorrow tomorrow so what is it after tomorrow or today if today is tomorrow? And what what was yesterday if today is tomorrow and yesterday would be the day before today which today is indeed not, that surely puts a spanner in the works? Hmm i think i may of confused myself now...
Ååh, typiskt, 0530. Jag måste sooova!
Och nu hände nått jag måste berätta för min andra hälft imorn!
Puss o Godnatt!
Postat av: MissBartender
I think I know that G-person? ;)
Hahah, och jag såg oxå den konversationen! Haha, störda!
And as for answering your comment in ma blog... yes she does know what she's talking about. A LOT! Anmd her situation is really really bad. But I'm being careful... we'll see ;)